It's a movie for the fans. The amount of inside jokes, cameos and one liners are awesome and will be appreciated if you are a "geek". From jokes involving Channing Tatums failed attempt to become "Gambit" or Jennifer Garners "divorce with "Daredevil" they are all there. For those worried about whether Disney would tone down the violence or language or R rated material, you can breathe easy, they have double downed on the blood, jokes and violence. Hugh Jackman is perfect and honestly my favorite version of any Wolverine he has played. I perfect ending if he wishes to permanently end the Wolverine character. The movie has barebones to no plot but that works in the scope of a Deadpool movie. I do worry about casual viewers not understanding some of the jokes or story unless you are heavily invested in ALL superhero genres and movies (DC included) but if you just go for an entertaining time and laugh and cheer for all the stupid one liners and hilarious cameos, you will not be disappointed.