Inspirational, Motivational, and a landmark film to be added to the DreamWorks collection. Even though it is considered as it should be: a children's fairy tail movie, it has soo much going for it. The dialogue in this movie flows so well between each character and what drives each character to do what they do shines through the plot within reason. They have also managed to craft one of the most accurate, and well represented portrayals of a villian character in their collection so far. The comedy was surprisingly well done throughout the film and will catch you off guard. The art style and animations are top tier giving me the same sense of wonder as when I watched the Spiderman-Into the spider verse movie. The fight scenes have soo much life and energy put into them that even if you personally aren't enjoying the plot, the dynamic shifting of fight choreography, and the shifting of landscape and setting will keep you mesmerized to the end.