I have to say I have been watching BB Canada for most of the seasons it has existed and the only good thing to say about this year is that at least the tests have not all been about physical strength. But seriously...why the two really nasty lying backstabbing "ALL STARS"...eek...they are really nasty. I know the game has always favoured liars and ethically bereft youngsters but there was always one or two decent types that lasted for some time. Not this year...there is not a person left in that house that I would join for lunch or invite to my home...a bunch of creeps. There is nobody worth rooting for. Do you plan it that way...??? See how long Canadians will except total low lives to represent them to the world.
Oops...I forgot there is a Newfie young guy who seems he may be decent...but he is still gutless.
For the first time, I have stopped having them saved ...pvr'd...just not worth it. Novel idea...why not use brains and gamesmanship as criteria instead of selfishness and willingness to do anything to anybody. You never know...it works for The Amazing Race....what a treat if you made it full of decent people, with the nasty the exception rather than the rule!!