Well made movie, the beginning feels like a basic love story and don’t get me wrong I was hooked from the start, the characters were memorable and the chemistry was definitely present. The ending definitely made me shed tears, going into this movie I knew it was about 9/11 but the pacing and the storyline made me forget that and by the time I got to the ending and saw the dates on the board it sent a shiver down my spine as I remembered, the zooming out of the window and the visuals of the twin towers really makes you remember, everyone of the people in that building had a life and a story to tell, and the camera shot really puts that in perspective, and the utter sounds of plane engines getting louder truly touched me. when I saw the journal laying in ash it really sunk in the fact that he’s gone, just like that. I’m sure when it first came out nobody expected the ending and it really tells how you never know how much time you have left. Then the last tragic scene where Caroline and the parents stand in front of the 2 tombstones it really breaks your heart at the fact that they lost 2 sons and she lost both of her brothers. It really hits home when you remember all the things Tyler went through to help and protect her sister. And the quote he kept repeating “everything you do will be insignificant but the mark you leave on people won’t be” or something along those lines- but he did accomplish his goal, he left a mark, a difference. He helped his father get closer to his sister even if he wasn’t there to see it. From the very beginning it’s shown that Tyler is severely depressed and it’s heartwarming to see in his last few moments he accomplished something and made a change.. he was truly happy, he had a girlfriend and helped his family and himself essentially. Even though it’s not shown what went down in that building, I’m sure he felt fear but atleast he also felt happiness.. 10/10 awesome movie though tragic