i find your show very educational and informative.however it is only to the audience that is civilized, and can take away the good from the show. on the other hand, the audience who are not civilized will come away with the notion they are marginalized, oppressed, dicriminated, and this is fuelling the hate resentment protests rioting and complete disregard for the law of america. this has to stop or it will destroy our way of life and all that our ancestors worked so hard to build and achieve. your show is contributing to all of whats going on right now, why. because your are of the belief that you are keeping the politicians in check and holding them accountable. all well and good. but who is keeping you people in the media in check and accountable. i know you are going to say you are not elected.but that does not mean you should be excluded from accountability also. thats my take. if you want to interview me i would certainly like to expound on whats happening in this country and around the world. the answer cristian is simple if we only use our brain and commonsence. believe me it is not rocket science as the saying goes. rafeek thank you. i have not written a book and do not plan to but just want to contribute to the good of humanity.