The first half is fun to watch but it just wastes time. There is so much ground to cover and it is all crammed into the last hour of the movie. Nothing is set up or well developed, nothing feels earned. Everything feels given to the characters without them having to do anything. There are so many plot conveniences, plot holes, and enormous amount of retcons. The cinematography and editing are embarrassing. The music is good but it is severely misused. This movie is just made to satisfy the whiny fanboys who didn't like TLJ. It's a horrible conclusion to the Skywalker saga and makes you feel absolutely nothing. It undoes Anakins redemption by bringing back Palpatine. I guess Anakins never defeated the evil. This movie is just embarrassing. There is no other way to put it. There is no depth or meaning to anything that happens. JJ sacrificed the story of this final movie just to satisfy fans who didn't like TLJ. I enjoyed the first half, but this movie is really really bad