It’s incredible to see what I hope for to become Pocahontas and Smith to finally get married or something and none of that happens! I was praying for them obviously to be together and since they left us at a cliffhanger in the first part I’d expect this second movie to be good at least. Then this John Rolfe guy comes along and destroys the relationship between smith and Pocahontas. I was left super disappointed with this Disney, I think you guys could’ve done so much better. Your guys creativity is immaculate like no other. But from birth to now, I’ve seen every Disney movie and never have been disappointed until this one. I know sequels never go that well, and for the most part all the other sequels to movies such as Cinderella, The little mermaid, and Mulan weren't unexpected like this. Long story short, I just really wished that John Smith and Pocahontas got together. Disney created such a strong bond and obviously what all fans do is follow up on their favorite love story. This makes my heart ache truly knowing Pocahontas left smith for some dude that’s just out of the random (so out of the story plot). I know the original story goes the way it is in the 2nd part but SMITH WAS ALIVE. Do better Disney, I believe in you.