Super Why is a "break the 4th wall" style PBS show focused around a group of 4 kids, called the Super Readers who represent young, updated fairy tale characters, who address daily problem solving by jumping into classic children's stories and using "The Power Of Reading" to identify a fundamental problem in a simplified version of a familiar story and correct it in a way that also addresses their own problem or question. Each episode starts out by stating the question or problem to solve, and then identifying a related problem within the story that they can help storybook characters to solve.
Each child has a super power related to reading. There's Alpha Pig who uses letters as tools to build words that help him solve transient problems in the episode. There's Red, who's super power is using rhyme to temporary change elements of the story to help them move on in the linear timeline. There's Princess P, who uses her magic wand to spell out words, utilizing phonetics to identify the correct letters and demonstrating how those letters are formed by physically writing them with her wand. Then there's Wyatt, or Super Why, who happens to be the younger brother of Jack and the Beanstalk. Super Why's superpower is identifying problems within the story that result in a negative outcome, and uses a magic pen to help him change them, offering a selection of 3 possible words to replace the problematic one in the sentence, and selecting the one that changes the story in the way they intend. The characters frequently break the 4th wall, asking viewers to identify letters or participate in rhyme, songs or word selection.
This show promotes problem solving in an effective & endearing way that naturally engages young children to participate in the story, and learn about language and reading at the same time by assigning viewers the power to help, further encouraging kids to participate & learn. It also promotes self reflection and practical problem solving using familiar material they can relate to. The songs are clever and catchy and the story book animations are reminiscent of familiar children's book illustrations.
I've watched enough children's programming lately to know a gem when I see one & can attest that my nearly 4 year old nephew is enamored with this show and actively participates in every episode. Super Why reminds me of Schoolhouse Rock, from my childhood--a show so effective I can still sing several of the songs from memory. I highly recommend Super Why as a well thought out, charming show with a strong educational focus.