I think that this new game Animal Crossing is the BEST ONE so far, nothing could beat this game, but I've got a few improvments/suggustions that could really bust this game up fast and hard, if there could be diffrent buildings that we could add, mabey a school, a church, a docter office, a grocier store, jobs, homework, but that none of these things cost ANY BELLS/MONEY AT ALL, mabey if we could have kids, pets, a better home, not that much money on taxes, a bigger island, 1 small speed up on the swimming, no limit on the storage, more outfits, hairdoos, stuff like that, but add all of this stuff to a new game, not your latest one, that way you dont ruin the one that yall just made, which was on March 20, 2020, FYI, make your new game with my suggustions, mabey more relistic, but keep it for little kids and cartoonish, am 13 years old, and I love your game, and if you didnt join the game on your birthday, whenever you do join, that they give you a new and diffrent suprise birthday party, with diffrent events for the whole day, mabey with a ticket that gives you free stuff for a whole day or a week, stuff like that, make it birthday day, everybody gives you gifts that you will LOVE, mabey if there were clubs, cars, bikes, bathrooms, kitchens, restraunts, malls, gallerys, all the diffrent types of dogs and cats, mabey hourses, carrages, a ball, you know what I mean, more relistik, but keep it cartoon, easy to see, like not moving the camera a lot, but still for LITTLE KIDS :)
I gave this game 5 stars beacause it's great, you wont know untul you get it, dont go after others reviews but your own, you'll see what I mean when you get it and play it, happy gaing it Mr or Mrs......am exited for you :) One more suggustion though, mabey if this could be a multiplayer game, like no more than 6 or 4 or even 2 people, happy gaming :)