Update: this game is excellent. Very glad I brought it. It pulls the great ideas from past far cry titles into one game. Sundown is so far the only really bad point I've e seen. Great fun and well worth the time and money.
Been playing since the midnight release. First 5 hours is a little concerning . I've been playing FC since the beginning, played them all extensively. This release feels like how ghost recon breakpoint felt. Wildlands was awesome then Ubi pulled the game idea into the assassin's creed UI and made it not fun. I'm reserving final judgement for now, it doesn't feel very far cry-y, more like Far Cry Breakpoint. Intro is the best intro of any Far Cry, feels like a James Bond intro. So far the game "training" on stuff like the backpack is less than awesome. Still glad I pre-ordered. On the latest Xbox there are a few minor issues (random red flashes, issues picking things up) but Ubi did a good job releasing a completed game.
Update 12/12
The grapple tool rope gets stuck in objects. This is a major issue that needs attention. I just failed a base assault due to my rope getting "stuck" then unable to assend I had to drop and I fell onto a trip mine. Fix this!