Last Stop To Yuma Country
Captivating story-telling with believable character development.
Last Stop To Yuma Country is an interesting experiment that achieves more than it should given its scope, set your expectations and prepare to have them shattered by this contemporary mid western classic.
I give Last Stop To Yuma Country a 9/10.
Now allow me to explain and clearly convey my initial thoughts and retrospective outlook on it’s impact on me.
In recent years we’ve seen a steady decline in the interest for big blockbuster movies, the catalyst for this collective disinterest is a matter of discussion and intrigue since we can definitely point to many areas where us as the audience feel like movies do not live up to the hype portrayed in their marketing and/or advertisements.
This is by no means a hot take, we’ve seen this overall consensus reverberate across many review outlets. With that said, Last Stop To Yuma Country caught me rather by surprise, it is not a movie that I would have personally chosen, given its description and look of the poster. But I was in a drought for something to watch and my thirst led me to this weird modern western that isn’t a western.
You know that voice in your head that tells you what you want to hear about someone or something before you actually engage with it or them.
Well that voice told me this was going to be another boring American western cliché, “you know with a bank robbery and and the sheriff coming to talk to the bank robbers to release the hostages but we all know the bullets are going to start flying eventually and the bad guys will get caught and they all lived happily ever after, riding into the sunset.”
The voice in my head, while helpful in many situations, was completely off the mark with this one and I’m going to tell you why.
Food, yes food. The amazing thing about food is not only does it nourish the soul but also taste good when prepared with love by your Mom.
Some of the best meals I’ve enjoyed in life typically comes with a good story, personally for me, some of the best were when we didn’t have all the ingredients, it was when my Mom didn’t have a lot to work with but somehow out of this seemingly stark grocery list an unforgettable pie is born.