Harrowing, Moving, Disturbing, Haunting. Beautiful. Words I’d thought I’d never use to describe a game play experience like TLOUPt2. The game we needed right now, even though it might not appear so at first. Slightly drags in a few sections but it does work for immersion (like traveling on foot in a structurally unsound city would take a long time). Bummed to see a lot of people missed the point or maybe we’re just to attached to [SPOILER]. It’s game about viewpoints and how we’re the heroes in our stories and the villain in other’s, it’s about violence, hate, pain, loss, regret, revenge, love, forgiveness and most importantly: letting go. The future is pointless if we hate each other and break off into FACTIONS, that have different viewpoints but all want the same thing...to live.
Not Perfect but Perfect Enough. I adored what this game did. Get your hands on a copy, buy it, rent it, whatever, just play it and give yourself over to the story (cliches and all). But honestly it’s not for everyone, not everyone is gonna like it, not everyone is gonna understand it, not everyone is gonna wanna look in the mirror TLOUPt2 holds up, but do it you might learn something about yourself and those around you. Violence Begets More Violence, But Love Can Break The Cycle.