I have so much to say about this film. but before the criticism, I should give it some praise. it is a unique Godzilla movie and there was an attempt which I have respect for but I feel it fell short. First, all the boardroom scenes felt unnecessary they dragged on and the characters were soo bland and uninteresting. Any of the characters in this film could have died and I would have felt nothing, no connection is made to get you to care even a little about the characters. Second, the model for Godzilla is very interesting and rather scary but the movie doesn't have a fear factor. In none of the scenes with Godzilla does it ever feel scary the scenes with civilians running away there doesn't feel like a sense of desperation or fear in the civilians; like there is a massive hulking monster and the civilians are quietly jogging away. Also the CGI in some scenes is impressive and looks great and in others, it falls so short. For example when we first see the monster the eyes look so weird and are so distracting. Also, the animation done on the monster quite the same in some scenes is fine in others I can just see the keyframes and it feels really unnatural. Also, the cinematography is simply bland throughout the movie and leaves so much to be desired. And the video quality jumps all over the place in different parts of the movie. On top of that, the sound design is also so poor, like when it's shooting the laser it's like one continuing sound effect of like a high-pitched scream and it felt so weird and that whole scene felt so undramatic. The music choices throughout the whole movie felt very odd and didn't fit at all with the scenes. There also felt like no sense of relief or victory when they took it out and won and it did not need to be 2 hours long so many of the talking boardroom scenes could have been cut out. The film was so unthought-out and all over the place, so many parts just didn't make sense, especially in the final half-hour; the movie feels more like a big-budget fan film it feels cheap and unrefined. This may just be the worst movie I have ever seen.