I have to start this review off by laying my cards out and being fully honest. I lean conversative and understand that this series is being review bombed by people for a lot of reasons, with suspicion that there are people out there rating it low just because it doesn't align with their values. With that in mind, I think it's only fair to say this: I have honestly lost faith in Disney's ability to produce entertaining content that doesn't forcefeed their own political and ideological agenda. I unsubscribed after they corrupted Willow with an ideological agenda that disrupted my sense of immersion, while simultaneously scripting it for a target audience I just simply couldn't identify with, as I am a middle aged fan of fantasy novels and thoroughly enjoyed the original film. Speaking frankly, they lost my money when they turned my favorite property into a mockery. I don't trust them anymore.
All that being said, I am currently watching The Acolyte and finding the show overall a lot more entertaining than the reviews would have had me believe. I don't honestly feel like the writing has been nearly as agenda-driven as other Disney shows. It's clear to me that they want two female witches to love each other and have babies, but it's not so agenda obvious as many haters would imply. It doesn't feel as forced as other shows, if that makes any sense. Maybe I was wrong to assume that the entirety of Disney was going the way of propaganda.
Where I think the show truly falters is the writing and acting. It feels like a sub B series attempt at a show in a Star Wars universe. The dialogue and thought processes demonstrated by the main characters seems completely unrealistic and difficult to relate to.
I also believe that this show has sort of obliterated George Lucas's intent and idea for the Star Wars canon, and with absolutely no payoff. For example, there is a Wookie Jedi in this show that ends being totally under utilized. It felt like a 30 second carnival ride. "OH WOW THIS ISN'T NATURAL BUT IT'S AWESOME.... Wait is the ride over?"
I don't want to spoil anything more, but I often find myself screaming internally at the characters for making horribly terrible decisions or acting in an obviously forced "these lines are for the audience" sort of way. That's why I give this show 2 stars. But that is coming from a nerd.
TL;DR I have thus far been entertained enough to keep watching. And that's where it ends. I believe that most viewers will find it entertaining also. So I recommend giving it a shot and arriving at your own conclusions before dismissing it, regardless of your political stance. I think if you aren't extremely sensitive, you might find it worth the watch... but only if you are also just as forgiving of cheap sci fi films.
The world needs to pump their brakes on political and ideological whiplash and just enjoy art for what it is. The entire purpose of art is to generate reflection. Some Disney "art" is obviously color by numbers (Willow show). This does not feel like that. But don't take my word for it.