It was quite interesting, and they almost redeem Carl Lentz. You are sympathetic when he gives his side of events, and you do feel deeply for his wife. Organized religions are cults, 100%. I do take issue with Carl's excuses, especially when he blames his Adderall addiction, as it does a huge disservice and spreads misinformation about those with ADD/ADHD. The reason that prescribed amphetamines work for those with those diseases is they're wired differently and don't chemically react to them the way folks without ADD/ADHD do. It won't give a rush or amp up those with ADD, it literally has the effect of a sedative and calms then down. Any mom with an ADHD child who's on medication for this who has run out or forgotten to doase that days meds can tell you that a coke or other caffeinated drinks can do wonders until the meds are dosed out. For Carl to offhandedly day he was diagnosed with ADD as a kid and he discovered he could do more and goonger ON Adderall is incorrect. He'd have been incoherent and unable to function at the doses he ibfers that he took. I'd say he was not taking any meds to have that "energy" that he had a the time. Physically now he looks like skmone who IS taking Adderall, he's calm and collected, and has put some weight on, all hallmarks of a treated ADD/ADHD sufferer. He looks absolutely not medicated in his archival footage. And in the end, you seen it wasn't about Carl's behavior, but more of he threat Carl was to the Hoiston
Anyway, it was nice to see him speak out on how the Houstons work. It was absolutely maddening to see Brian Houston make a mockery of system and the church. The sins of the father trumped what good the church was doing, so he decided to protect the church cash cow over the christian opportunity to end suffering.