I’ve read some of these comments as I absolutely love the show and was surprised the rating was so low. I get some of the points and am sure if I were to have watched it as it was introduced rather than binging it would have had a different effect, however the points they address although abundant are great points! Addiction, abuse, sexuality, foster care (and loss), death and depression, cancer and the ongoing mindset that follows. I feel these are all not only brought to light but also dissected for a better understanding. I, a white 24yo female, have never encountered these as have unfortunately a lower empathy scale so it’s hard for me to understand major issues like the ones addressed. I was one of the lucky ones that Covid and 2020 didn’t effect very much but that’s not the case for the majority of the world and although I understood that it was rough for most everyone it wasn’t until I saw it through the eyes of Gina, Gary and Maggie that I could really feel how difficult it was. Also the George Floyd scene gave me chills. I will NEVER understand what our colored community goes through, I can hear/read stories but I can’t imagine that experience for myself. And that scene broke my heart. You could feel the heartbreak and fear radiating out of the scene. This show is phenomenal! It’s continues to impress and surprise me with the issues that they bring light to and address in such a realistic and vulnerable way!!