If you’re a fan of the movie, or comic series, don’t expect much from HBO’s series. It borrows some of the events from the movie but the writers added their own changes to it which don’t really play well. Some other changes are monumental *spoiler alert* a leading character in the movie, Rorschach, no longer exists but has been changed to represent a white supremacist group called “7th kavalry”. I can’t stand when writers introduce politics or SJW issues into shows even if I agree with it. Politics and social issues have a unique way of ruining everything they touch and the writers seem to have had the woke dial turned up to 100 on this. Dr. Manhattan is simply a dude painted blue, really HBO? You couldn’t afford the FX to give him the glow? All in all I’d watch something else. This show just seemed like another way for those in the entertainment industry to show how woke they are and unfortunately this great Frank Miller creation was chosen as their vehicle. Thanks again social justice warriors!