The worst star wars ever made. It has no depth, tha script is too predictable and childlike. The plot is obvious for a murder mistery. It is directed for women by women. A politcal and external agenda that has invaded the starwars universe, which was made with extreme care and thought for a doctrine and dogma of the force. It was a stage where people always felt free to imagine all possibilities in the universe of starwars, never lacked diversity or female power but... Now driven by an agenda the narrative shows scarcity of compelling storytelling and crucial knowledge from the original stories, movies, books, etc...
It is obvious that it was made to capture a new fanbase, one that do not know about the original movies and stories. This is not Starwars, but another disney movie made politicaly correct and a directors ambition to create awareness about the matriarchy and patriarchy, breaking old ways... Starwars is not the platform to do this. To grab such a franchise and do this to its most loyal fans who have carved a part of their childhood and adulthood dedicated to this universe, an insult to all. It is a hijacked starwars dulled down to show a directors emotional baggage. What a let down.