I’ll just be judging it completely on the merits of the film itself.
1.) Animation - The colors are very vibrant, the character models are mostly good, and the movements are well done. I would say that it the movie’s biggest if not only good point.
2.) Story - This is where is all goes down hill. Literally in the first five minutes we are shown the story concept without actually BEING introduced to anyone and anything. The main dwarf just shows up talking, a scene of their background is shown then bam the movie starts. Mother Grothel’s twin sister shows up being sinister and bam then Snow White, then bam we’re hit with the exposition and bam the rest of the movie starts. The whole premise itself would have been okay, but the execution is... pretty bad. And nothing makes sense; like in one scene one character is adamant about some decision then literally in the next scene they change their mind for no reason.
3.) Dialogue - No. Just no. As soon as you have references to selfies in the middle of a fairytale then you have lost your audience’s respect.
Honorable mentions: I don’t know who was in charge of sound, but whoever was didn’t do their job right. There is literally music DROWNING OUT all the dialogue throughout the WHOLE movie! And the music choices are just so weird. Yes it’s common for Korean films to have random pop music, but it’s just at such random times that it’s really egregious.
There are also quite a few plot holes. Like if Snow White was supposed to have been sent away, then how am I supposed to believe that the whole time she’s been wearing the SAME PRETTY OUTFIT even while climbing and sneaking back into the castle.
4.) Message - I think the message was alright, but again, it’s all about execution.
So yeah, the film wasn’t meant to be fat shaming, and it probably isn’t the worst movie ever. But objectively it’s pretty bad.