I watched the first part of the show and was impressed with the comedy gold. Then..... I realized that this was not meant to be a comedy..... I realize that this show was not meant for me, after all I am not Canadian. It seems that the show was meant to depict the struggle of inner city minorities and the whole budget for research was spent by someone who did a quick google search on debunked racial stereotypes.
I did spend some time reading the reviews. There are a vast majority of these are not positive, but I did note one point of significant interest. The 5 star reviews ALL have exactly the same linguistic syntax. Very odd. This would mean that there are a group of imbeciles out there that love this show and spent a fair amount of time learning to communicate under the same professor. I guess it could mean that the positive reviews are written by the same person... I leave it up to you to decide.
By the way, I am gen X and have always loved hard techno music and the soundtrack for this show made me want to enroll in Canadian health care and request a stair climbing chair.