I feel like this movie had so much potential to be good but then it just like flopped.
1. Probably the thing I hate the most was the fact that Hades was in it. He is a god! He didn’t go to high school and would not have been a teenager at the same time as everyone else in the movie.
2. They did Maleficent so dirty in this movie. Her hair horn things look stupid. And they gave her clothes that look like something a middle schooler trying to go through an emo faze would wear. Plus her line in Bridget’s song was so awkward.
3. Why did they make it so Ella and the fairy god mother went to school at the same time? That literally makes no sense.
4. Why did the villains go to school? Especially hook. He is a pirate. Pirates don’t go to school.
5. Why did we not get to see castle coming or whatever. Like they made it such a big deal just for them to not put it in the movie. Like what?
6. Why was the queen of hearts hair still red when they made her good? Like if she was good still then her hair should have stayed pink.
7. Why did they put Ursula’s younger sister in it instead of just Ursula? Like I know it’s not a big deal but it didn’t make sense to me.
8. It is so heavily auto tuned. Like obviously almost all Disney movies are, but this one you could tell so much and it sounded so bad.
All in all it wasn’t the worst movie int he world but in no way did it live up to the standards set by the original trilogy.