i was a huge hater of this game i was like everybody else, yeah yeah nioh 1.5 lolZZZ
and i wasn't a big fan of the first game, but i tried the second game and man i couldn't have been more wrong
this game looks feels sounds like 1 but when you play it for a good amount of time and actually start to get into it, you can see all the changes from the first game, lots of little changes like the anima system soul cores help make the combat a lot deeper and a lot more varied than the first game and once you start going into the higher skill levels that's where the game really shines
it's not to say that nioh2 is perfect, there's a horrible RNG thing when it comes to creating builds there's also other tiny niggling issues none of which are game breakers
this game is straight up the best game on the ps4 and probably the best game for me for the last 2 console generations, i've still playing it to this day and for me that's a sign of a great game