The writers, fire them all and black list those who approved this atrocity.
This had potential to be a good idea, then it wasn't.
They forced a story by limiting the heroes and giving all the power to the Villains.
Leaving the humas to kick, punch, jump around and be forced to murder themselves. It's just a slaugter and a pathetic gimmick to try and shock people.
With the bone breaking/skull shattering cuts in the action, only to have them continue fighting as though nothing happened, was a waste of screen time.
A display of brutality towards a sex or single group of people, stripping them of hope, power or drive, then degrading and repressing them by an individual diffrent from them (on their own team) and from an oppressive outside force as well. This is what the males of Earth Realm experienced.
Where is the respect for boundaries that Johnny (who was always kind and polite to a belittling and sexist Sonya) showed to Sonya throughout the story. He says not without my permission, as she forces a kiss on him anyway. You established boundaries for them and Johnny stuck to them and respected when she pulled away from his kindness. Yet freely gave into the sexual assault of males for laughs. It's not a joke, it's assault. She took advantage of his feelings and body, never correcting her abusive and dismissive behaviors before doing so. Perceiving him as weak for admiring and falling for a strong and independent woman. Sonya is sexist and abusive.
They got lost in their mayhem and gratuitous violence and forgot about the story.
Attemps to rewrite the first movie, as an original story. Jax is Goro, SubZero has Scorpion's story, Raiden is now Johnny, Lui is now Raiden. A mess from start to finish.