This game is pretty good but there are a lot of problems with it the game just came out so I know there’s a lot for improvement so I’m hoping the devs will listen to us we shouldn’t be paying money to gamble on what colors we want to dye our outfits, the max level is 40 and the enemies go as highest level 90 which can be a problem since the enemies have insane aim bot and we lose our shield within a few seconds of being in battle It is almost impossible to do missions without having somebody else with you not to mention the projectiles that follow you everywhere until they hit you they should really increase the character levels or nerf the enemies. The intercept battles (boss battles) have a 10 minute limit which can be quite annoying especially since you’ve almost beat the boss and yet only have less than a minute left then lose from just a time limit it’ll be better to make it 20 to 30 minutes or just remove the time limit entirely. Getting the characters is similar to warframe You have to grind to get to make Materials to get the character which take a few hours once you get those materials you can make the character then it takes 15 to 16 hours to unlock the character then you have to level them all over again I find this kind of annoying I’d appreciate if we didn’t have to wait 15 to 16 hours to get the character or not having to go through the trouble of leveling them up again other than that the game is pretty good and the gameplay is solid