I found the film entertaining, shocking, compelling and thought provoking. These days I abandon lots of films before halfway, but I had to see this one to the end which means it must have had merit. For me, it represented a simple truth taken to an absurd extreme. In this case, the simple truth is that one generally has to have faith to move out of one's comfort zone to improve their life, such as moving many miles away for a better job, which means sacrificing everything they are familiar with. But of course, in real life, and the film, there are no guarantees that things will improve. I suppose the bigger the sacrifice, the stronger one's faith has to be. God testing Abraham's faith comes to mind when he commanded him to kill his own son - God wasn't being very nice playing devil's advocate was he? and I thought God was one of the good guys, maybe he was, who knows? A theology/philosophy don might have an idea, but I'm not learned in that sense. Sacrifice isn't comfortable or nice, at whatever level. I just sacrificed my usual choccy bar to lose a couple of pounds!