Epic love story that crosses time and space, intertwined story’s of love, freedom, government control, rebellion, courage, survival, superstition, However that’s just the hook, very personal introspective to humanity as whole. “The weak are meat, so the strong can eat” Such a brilliant piece, not only in writing but Especially in Casting, Directing and most ESPECIALLY ACTING, The multitude of roles played by the entire cast. Is A Tribute To The Art Of Acting and a Showcase To Each Cast Members Ability. To Play a Multitude Of Roles With Completely Different Attitudes, Emotions and at times Sexes is astonishing. I just watched Tom Hanks The Nomad, Loved the film but am really perplexed of the complete lack of mention of Cloud Atlas. Just a shot of him and Rita on the red carpet in front of the premiere sign. I am a huge fan of both Tom and Rita but to me.bCloud Atlas is a masterful of work, weaved through time, giving a sense of not just destiny, but that most wonderful of unexplained feelings, that the French call Deja Vu.
Movie Buff,
PawPaw King