⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ If you are here to know review: then WATCH IT, IS THE ANSWER. I advise watching it in a theatre to fully appreciate its artistic merit, its cast, and our culture. By going to the theatre to watch, we are honouring the cast, the crew, Ar Rehman's music, and the PS team for their tremendous ability and dedication. Such films require our support. Watch it in theatres as it is available in many languages and has English subtitles; for the sake of our culture, art, history and pure joy of Cinema watch it. It is that good, I would not type so much if it was not good. Whether you like history or not but this film will tempt you to google about cholas and know about our history. Every character has a face now. 🥹
To Mani sir🙏 : I went to the theatre to watch the film. Laughter, tears, and pride were heard throughout the theatre. The audience stood and applauded along with the closing song.(I apologise for forgetting to record ; I was clapping with happy tears for a good film) Mani sir, I am not qualified to say this, but PS will surpass all of your previous works for me, this tops it all. Thank you, sir; you've done it again with your Magic.
To cast : Hardwork paid off !! History created. The best in your filmography. 🙇♀️👏
I would like to wish the team , that they receive all the awards in every category and this film crosses Rs1000cr . After experiencing personally the audience reaction , you surely won our hearts. 🫶🏻🫰🏻