Long time fan.
This is a perfect Sleep Token album. Genre-fluid, beautiful and crushing, all-new but self-referential, perfectly written and produced, this is a Magnum Opus. If you already like Sleep Token, this album is the culmination.
For those new to Sleep Token:
This concept album is the final third of a trilogy of albums, and thus, is very grand and epic in scale. For what is ostensibly a 4-piece metal band, the incredible wall of sound this album delivers is exquisitely produced, beautifully written, incredibly dynamic, masterclass in post-ambient metal-core prog-pop.
Or whatever genres you want to try to put on this album and Sleep Token as a whole. I would tag them as metal and ambient primarily, those are the two genres you will feel the most often, but they are a tree with many branches. You will hear ambient, metal, trap, pop, jazz, rap, r&b, rock, lots of piano, worship music, and the list goes on.
This diversity proves to be their greatest strength, through the groups uncanny ability to bend and meld and mix all of these different influences in, not only a coherent, but in a well-planned and frankly beautiful manner.
Sleep Token is a journey. The album is not so much a collection of stand alone songs as it is the score to a theatre production. The writers of these songs is going on an emotional journey of self-discovery, and I, for one, am thankful to have been invited along.
9.5/10 : Welcome. Listen to Sundowning and This Place Will Become Your Tomb.