I just want to make a point that a lot of people are aware of. When you see a movie but have never read the book, usually your opinion differs from those who have. I read books and watch movies for young people because I'm a Librarian at a school and I want to be able to recommended titles to students. With that said, I liked the movie but have never read this book, I give it a 61/2 out of 10. But what I REALLY DIDN'T appreciate was a comment in another review! CHEN, If you are indeed one of the uninformed or clone world types, (the type that only go to school with, talk too, work with, live around one kind of person and form your opinions about others from TV, lowbrow lyrics, or what you are told and have not experienced, I get it, there are so many backwards people in the world) but hopefully, I somehow misinterpreted your words and you're not one of them. This was part of the comment: [ key religious values and themes are scrapped by Disney in "A Wrinkle in Time" in order for it to have an African-American role-model and left-wing views which lessened the appeal of the movie. (not saying African-American role-models and leftist views are bad, just that L'Engle's work was much altered, negatively, to allow these things.] Of course you know being left wing is much closer to what Jesus taught about love and acceptance, and African-Americans, no matter HOW bad they were stripped of and denied everything, they are still by far one of the most religious groups I know and still refuse to hid behind guns like right-wingers, so nothing was NEGATIVELY alter. And adding colors to anything usually makes it more appealing, less dry and bland.