Wither you have played the original game or not, you can experience a different horror game. In this game you don't have to face silly jump scares, cause the atmosphere and story are the reasons of scare .
I'm an old gamer , from... let me see, from my first console in 1994 to day. I played silent hill 1 in 1998 and then silent hill 2 , to 4 and all spin-offs . I've played silenthill 2 for atleast 100 times, With each new start, I decided to see a new ending, but after 20 minutes of starting the game, I was so immersed in the space and atmosphere of the game that I forgot what my goal was. So after all these experiences I can tell you, I haven't played anything close to this masterpiece all these years. Not because I'm a fan, no no I swear , it's a pure truth. You'll see...