The book Rated, by Melissa Grey is a book that makes you look at the society the character live in through multiple different perspectives. The popular kid, the loner, the nerd, the jock, the athlete, and the outcast. Despite their differences, the students are united by incidents in their school that suggest that life revolving around peoples' ratings is not a fair, nor pleasant system. They begin to realize how the ratings are influencing the people around them.
The characters in the book are tied together by something that I will not spoil:), and begin to experience new thrills as their friendship develops.
Sadly, the book ends at a painful cliffhanger, and to me, the end of the book seems more like the beginning to the story. All this is conveyed to the reader in a bright and lively way, with friendship, rebelliousness, hardships, and some bits of romance to top it off.
I would recommend this to people who are looking for a relatively short book that gives a smile or two, with mystery and excitement. I would also recommend Rated to people who enjoyed The Candymakers, by Wendy Mass