Really want to like this game, but multiplayer is broken. It’s inconsistent behavior is brutal, either 2-headshots will down someone, or 16-headshots on an unshielded enemy will still not down them. Rockets, swords, hammers, pistols, needles, sniper, backslaps etc… all seem inconsistent. When the game is rough, it’s rough. 9 out of 10 times you’ll join a match with some person who goes 25KDA but only has 16 games experience, I assume 343 is doing little to stop cheaters. When reporting cheaters, I’ve noticed that the next 3-5 games become extremely hard, like your damage is being nerfed, like damage done to me (e.g. an assault rifle from across the map does more damage to me than head scoped BR/sniper to them). Or that sticky nades will bounce off players (hilarious that it shows up in theater mode replays) or if you die right after throwing a nade it cancels the thrown streak animation & pending explosion. Really stinks that 1 out of 4 games actually count bullet/explosion damage when this nerfing happens. This pains me as I absolutely love Halo multiplayer but it’s just too painful an experience to be enjoyable. FYI, upgraded Xboxes, Monitors and internet speeds, but it’s clear it’s either the game is broken or they’re nerfing in certain scenarios.
The campaign isn’t bad, and the free world a fresh change, co-op was a must. Really like the quick respawns in multiplayer to keep the action lively, though utterly confused why so many enemy respawns happen 10 feet away from you and wherever you aren’t facing. Most annoying thing in the world to clear an area and get shot from behind because you think you have your “back to a wall”.