Bought the game recently, seems like a solid base but too many missing features and lots of basic issues.
Skirmish mode seems pretty useless (you can't even save between levels even though it APPEARS to support it... your party disappears if you sign out between levels). Multiplayer mode is more fun but you really need a full party since the game party size scaling is garbage.
There's a player experience bar but it doesn't actually give you any useful buffs, and since characters are "per game" there's no real character development. Also even within a game session there's no real character development so pretty one-dimensional gameplay. Also IN each level there's not even the payoff of "clearing the level" because their reliance on respawn to provide challenge insures there'll be as many mobs at the end of your level as at the beginning - it kills any strategy and reduces levels to tactical only.
Overall it has potential but is not great as implemented.