There's an animated movie called "Justice League: God's and Monsters" that portrays Batman as the exact same character with the exact same origin story, except his friend is another scientist instead of a random backer / guinea pig.
Lots of plot holes and a very obviously confused protagonist.
1) Why doesn't he initially make enough cure for the both of them?
2) He only made one cure despite making three batches of bat serum.
3) The last batch of serum might have been foreshadowing but it isn't actually foreshadowing if it's never actually used.
4) The in-universe setup seems lame and will probably fail to take off in the same way other Sinister 6 projects have failed in the past. Why would the vulture, who knows Peter Parker is Spiderman, be sent out of that universe as a result of Doctor Strange's spell? Where did his suit come from?
5) There are two points in the movie that set you up to think the plot will become less static and more interesting only to fail to meet those expectations later on.
6) Why can't the antagonist control the bats too? Is the protagonist supposed to take this as a sign that he's meant to have these powers?
7) Willem Dafoe's Green Goblin does a much better job of portraying the twisted antagonist than Matt Smith's character ever will. He also makes a more convincing argument for keeping his powers than Loxias does. Loxias' motivation to lash out at Morbius and prove himself ideologically justified didn't really mesh with who his pre-transformation character was as a person.