Worst Story you could image.
They kill of your favourite character Joel from the first game in the most sadistic way possible only 2 hours into the 30 hour game then force you to play as their murderer Abby for a whole half of it in an attempt to make you somehow sympathise and justify their reasons for doing so. The other half of the game is played as your other favourite character from the first game Ellie who acts uncharacteristically throughout going on a voilent murder spree across the country trying to find and get revenge on Abby for killing Joel. You are forced to play as abby to beat up Ellie her pregnant girlfriend Dina and are only spared because Abby is stopped by another character called Leg and when the final showdown happens at the end of the game the Abby is uncharacteristically spared By Ellie making the whole game up until that point all for naught. As Abby & Lev row off into the mist in a boat Ellie breaks down in the water and goes back home only to find Dina & the baby no longer there because Ellie chose to go get revenge instead of staying with them despite never actually getting it. The game ends with Ellie trying to play Joel's song as the the only reminder of him she has left but cannot hit the chords because Abby bit two of her fingers off in the last battle.
In the end Abby who you will justifiably hate with a passion lives happily ever after and Ellie who you understandably love is left with nothing and no-one by their side.
Don't buy this game if you don't want to suffer from serious dissapointment and depression.