The game is amazing for so many reasons. Gameplay is great and rewarding. Customization has depth and gives you freedom to answer each difficulty you come across. Characters are extremely well written with compelling personality's and motivations. World building is phenomenal and interesting, gives the characters interesting struggles to navigate. The level design is interesting and consistently changing. One stage may be a destroyed city your scavenging through, while another has you climbing and destroying a giant craft (the craft IS the stage). As a new fan of Armored Core, only have playing 3 and now 6, it pains me to see the review bombing of this game. Its such a fresh experience, the gameplay is so unique and engaging. It truly immerses you in the experience of piloting a crazy mech you built and fine tuned. FromSoftware has truly outdone themselves with this one, and as a longtime Darksouls fanboy, i liked it more than Darksouls >.> Give the game the opportunity to amaze you, finish the tutorial and make a crazy AC to call your own and experience the wonderfully told story of Rubicon.