Retail wow ATM is Bad PvP is a joke Devs dont care to make it better or Balanced they just keep Pumping out Content that feels like a A company of 2 years is developing instead of a 16year company breaks my heart I left wow 6 years ago. Because the game was going down the tubes. I was told Shadowlands was going to be diff and they were going back to the old school ways of things but its not and they didnt they just gave you The same Game as before but with a diff box Cant believe they are still charging people 15 bucks a month for this Game that they dont give 2 cents about or the people playing it. Would i recommend this game to so one no. Would I recommend a Veteran player to return Absolutely not. Cause they are going to be expecting great things or even a game that is polished and they will receive neither and i wouldnt want anyone else to experience the let down that I did. I would tell them to hold onto them Great memories of a game that once was cause it is long gone now and to find something different to play.