The cliches are obvious and sometime hilarious. All the way from "The Sixth Sense " I see dead people; Bruce Willis is a dead guy. If you see this movie you'll see the connection but Don't Watch this Movie.
No science or reasoning skills were used in the making of this movie. There were some laughable scenes where we see space debris hit the ship at 30,000 mph and bounce off the ship. An astronaut gets hit by a piece of debris and is wounded when there should a been a hole punched clean through and they should have died instantly. But that would have been too quick and nothing happens quickly in this movie. Lazy writing examples, radar doesn't give any early warning because that would have gotten in the way of the drama. Then they act like fixing the radar is important when it never seems to make a difference in the plot. So many other technical and science errors already listed by other reviewers.
Worst of all, you suffer through this movie and there's no payoff in the end.