It’s a disgrace to the movie industry to even call this movie a movie. It was an absolutely waste of time and I wouldn’t wish this torture upon my worst enemy. It was a waste of 2 hours. From starting off as a story about a budding saloon artist plotting to commit suicide to what can only closely be described as a desperate and failed attempt at comedy to an illogical series of events involving the arrival of a random and magical stranger providing dubious advice, the birth of a child in the salon, a dance crew and randomly parrots. Never in this movie was there an ounce of logic, a thought about character development, or a fulfilling plot (for that not even a plot). Honestly the director could’ve just censored all 2 hours and 14 minutes of this movie and it would have been more entertaining. The only time I laughed was when this movie ended in joy at having survived torture. I recommend everyone to avoid watching this “movie”.