i-i just finished watching th-the l-lorax, a-and i dont think ive ever been so e-emotional while watching a film ever... i-i feel as if ive grown and p-prospered into a newer and better improved version of myself. the heartfelt teaching of the movie, h-has awakened something new inside of me, th-the quote at the end h-has really touched me, "UNLESS someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not." - Dr. Seuss
the i-inspirational theme of the movie, has given me a brand new sighting o-on the t-trees, i-its something ive n-never actually took n-notice of b-before, if im being e-entirely honest. b-but now, w-with this new mindset, i-i feel as if i c-can comeover a-anything, i feel u-unstoppable. as if im o-on the top of the w-world!
personally, i-i enjoyed the concept of the trees, and im glad that one day ill be able to show this artwork of a m-movie to my children. and hopefully too, theyll understand how i was e-emotionally struck by this. as a person, i dont think ive ever actually weeped as much as i did as i was w-watching said movie, truth be told, most were t-tears out of s-sadness and the others of joy!
there was not on p-part of this film that i did n-not enjoy, because i l-loved it all! every piece of d-dialogue, to each s-song, to the c-characters too. each voice i heard gave me heavy amounts of a-adoration, that i-i could have p-possibly given in re-return! the heavyness and sweet masculinity, d-danny devitto brought out to v-voice the l-lorax! it was outsanding!