This book is not worth your time. I love literature, and I am not one to want to put down a book. But reading this felt not just like a chore, but medieval torture. Maybe that's exaggerating, but that certainly is how it felt. I get the point of the book is to be depressing as all hell, but for that to work, there has to be a valuable idea to take from it. Life As We Knew It does not have that. It is yet another cliched "teenagers are too rebellious and need to learn to be responsible adults" theme, which is pretentious and solves nothing. Also in the story, Miranda's friend Sammi, at the age of 15, runs off with her new 30 year old boyfriend. This has absolutely no plot significance nor is treated as a negative thing. Guess we know what Pfeffer is into. This book still irks me many years after reading it. I am literally writing this to vent my frustrations. Don't read this book, please. Literally read anything else!