I really hate the fact that he said that they’re only 15-year-old watching BTS and listening to the music
There are armies all around the world millions and thousands of them all around the world each country and for him to say that is really cruel their armies around the world that are the same age as BTS some are older than BTS some are younger than BTS and some are younger than the age of 15 and it really breaks my heart for him to say that when he had them on the show multiple times and if your army whether or whether not you should understand because that is really offensive towards us. Because there is nothing wrong with having a young audience.
And if he meant that as a joke which I think not that is really wrong for him to say in general because he knows that is not true. And for him to say that they are unusual guests at the UN in New York is also wrong because what if we say any other guest that he has on his show is unusual. And that’s why I give him a one star rating until he apologizes I will continue to keep my rating at a one star I know I’m not the only one that thinks BTS deserves an apology from him.