I recently completed my read of Shell's "Bargaining For Advantage: Negotiation Strategies for Reasonable People", and it feels like I have just rounded up a module in an MBA class.
Regardless of your occupation, negotiation skills are useful to advance your goals. Even in everyday living, negotiation skills are relevant. As a parent, you need to be able to negotiate and get your child to eat the healthy meal for dinner, instead of chocolates, while still maintaining a happy atmosphere in your home.
Whether you're constantly involved in negotiations as a result of your work, or you just want to up your everyday bargaining game, this book is for you.
The book is divided into two parts. In Part 1, the author takes the reader through the six foundations of effective negotiation. These are what I describe as "the ingredients for the negotiation soup". These are the things the negotiator should take into consideration prior to the negotiation process itself. Part 2 deals with the negotiation process proper.
The premise of Shell's approach to negotiation is advancing your goals at the negotiation table, while also taking into consideration the other party's interests. Thus, while most books on negotiation focus solely on either of those, Shell strikes a balance by showing through practical examples that you can get what you want while still preserving your relationship with your negotiating partner. Also, Shell acknowledges that while there might be universal principles on negotiations, there's no one-size -fit - all formula, as each situation is unique and requires different strategies. But the starting point, Shell says, is to learn to be yourself at the bargaining table.
Bargaining for Advantage takes into account the different roles gender, culture, bias, and ego play in negotiations. A skilled negotiator is to be alert and prudent in managing situations influenced by any of these.
A striking feature for me is Shell's use of anecdotes to communicate almost every negotiation principle. By telling these stories, he makes these principles more practical and adaptable.
Bargaining for Advantage is a must read. It will help you identify your bargaining style, strengths and weaknesses, and possible leverage positions. It offers practical insights on how to put your best foot forward in the bargaining game.