Playing this game on a base ps4 bought 3 weeks after initial release of ps4 and i think this game is fantastic.
The glitches and lag complained about are nothing unlike that of other rpgs upon release (such as fallout new vegas, which was detested as a buggy mess but is now considered a classic). Despite the glitches this game is far from unplayable and is downright addicting.
Outerworlds (still a great game) could not achieve this - there are times it just felt bland and the cities lacked character. This is despite it running smoothly for the most part. Still couldn't get pulled in like cyberpunk pulled me in.
Fallout 4 somewhat achieved this but lacked replay value - once again still a great game but it focused heavily on settlement building which can really only be fully enjoyed through modding the game (how much you could build was capped which limited what you could do with a settlement) - something consoles didn't get till a year after release. As a result fallout 4 lacked replay value that a RPG of its type should have.
Now skip to Cyberpunk and you have me on the edge of my seat the whole way despite glitches and mechanics that need to be fixed - which will be fixed via updates. You can't fix a bad story or lack of emmersion with an update though (unless its a glitch that ruined the emmersion).
This games biggest sin was overhyping itself in advertising and creating unrealistic expectations in the gaming community - both within the circles of rpg fans and outside of it.
All in all if you were looking forward to this game get it. Whether you have a ps4 pro, ps5 or a base ps4 like me, it is loads of fun and still a marvel to look at even when the game is not running optimally. The quests are interesting, the main story is suspensfull and well written, the characters are well written and their voice acting is spot on. If you prefer to wait for the next gen version I can't argue that but what i will argue is if you are an RPG fan and loved games like fallout, deus ex, outerworlds and the like you will love this game.