While one star may seem harsh, I would 100% stand by it, as I would equally stand by the illegitimacy of ANY 5 star review of this game. All 5 star reviews read like fake paid statements. If some reference real positives (E.g. some campaign elements or fluidity of some movement and some guns etc), they are purposely doing so omitting IMPORTANT and detrimental issues that undermine each and every good concept this game came up with.
It released without warzone in an unfinished state, with tons of bugs and games crashing, never starting, etc. Losing party members, horrible UI. the list goes on. Balance was absolutely atrocious in warzone particularly for the entire first season of the game, and multiplayer has a multitude of balance issues and conceptual issues (like the incentive for horrible, unfun challenges and zero incentive for winning or even STAYING in the game).
Things that are not hard to use and extremely frustrating to play against are easily rewarded (riot shields, shotguns, KV broadside). Maps are AWFUL, spawns are AWFUL. The Santa Sena Border Crossing map just cannot have been even thought about before release. It is one of the worse designs with zero potential for enjoyment I have ever seen. The introduction of a thousand doors on every map only further rewards any player that stands still and aims in at one single spot. This was never what made call of duty fun or unique as a shooter.
Not to mention, the game feels as if it was never tested on ANY level, (and this would appear to continue for every update). Many many features did not work that could have easily been fixed if tested a single time. Every time new content dropped it appeared untested. From warzone looting to game ruining bugs with tactical camera, recon and bomb drones, (never disabled these or gave a warning or even provided a fix for MONTHS, and simply using them as they are intended would crash your game, to add to the MANY ways this could happen that were out of your control).
There are overall more issues now then when the game dropped, less have been fixed than have been introduced. All content feels stale. Even something as small as shaders not applying before you get into game irks me, because they allow you to get into game in an unplayable state rather than simply update shaders first if you were unaware of the impact.
The fact that they worked on some absolute garbage idea like 'The Warzone Cup' and spent money and time on that while the game was so unbelievably, FRUSTRATINGLY unplayable is insulting.
Overall, I think my disappointment almost makes me wish people would borderline boycott the game until further notice. Obviously I don't think this is likely, but there is a part of me that wonders what would put the pressure on a company like this to have 'making a good game' be part of their goals again. Right now, their only goals seem to revolve around statistics and numbers that point towards one thing: Money. Fair enough, but if only we could make it profitable for them to meet a standard, rather than a bare minimum.