Fist of all I want to thank MJ DeMarco for writing this book. I bought this book back in March 2024 and life had a plan for me, I had some issues at work and had to quit one month after buying it. So I stopped reading it since I got affected psychologically not having my main source of income. Months after I was able to do better on my own and decided to finish the book. It was exactly what I needed in the right moment of my life. I also understand why some people might hate the book and it's funny since MJ talks about the concept of polarizing, you either love it or hate it! In my case as someone who's dream has always been financial freedom so this book was like hand in glove. This book will help you understand some core fundamentals on what tools you'll need to succeed. Like probability, focusing on needs vs money, scalability. But most importantly to take care of you vehicle by constantly give it maintenance! The vehicle is YOU! Always learn something new, never stop!