Wow ok So yeah this is a ok movie???! I’m going to focas on the good things first: this is definitely is better then goblet of fire.... that’s it that’s Literally everything good about it; first of all They Added way to many romance things and WHAT did they do to Ginny!!!!!!??? Ginny does not deserve to just be the love interest she’s her own person! This movie also try’s to add comedy to very dark parts where there is not supposed to be comedy, for example: when Ron just got poisoned you see him coughing then he gets up and says something like “Hermiones going to kill me” then they cut to him in the hospital wing, this ruins the suspense because we already know that he’s fine And we just get bored during this part, I’m nine when writing this review and I can tell you that this was a bad idea... that’s saying something. Also why did they add that scene where they burn the burrow does it add anything to the plot??? The thing with JK is that she puts Things for a reason Everything has a reason for being there, for example: the diary, we learn more about the diary as the books go on even though it was destroyed in book two. By adding these senes then you are taking out of balance what JK tried so hard to create. Now I think it’s time to address that the actors in this movie are not bad just what they were given is absolute garbage.