1 star only because 0 stars isn't an option. The reboot is an abomination. I laugh more in any random two-minute span of an original Frasier episode than I did during the entire 10 episodes of the reboot combined. Plot inconsistencies, terrible writing, cartoonish characters. Awful. And what was the point of having Lilith and Roz return? They appeared for a few minutes each and added nothing. I will never understand why Kelsey Grammer was so adamant on a reboot, especially one this bad. There's only one way this would have worked. Make it a drama. Forget comedy. Have Frasier play a dramatic role. Maybe he became an alcoholic. Make him truly estranged from his son. Make him a drifting soul who can't fit in to Seattle, Chicago or Boston. Now THAT would have been more interesting than this wretched drivel. This is on the level of Man With A Plan, or Three's Company, or Full House.