This game takes everything from the original and twists it into a new imagining of the same events. A lot of people look at this as a downside or say that Nomura os ruining the compilation of final fantasy 7 with all of his inclusions, but forget that Nomuras influence is what made the OG 7 so incredible in the first place. This game takes out a majority of what made remake feel so laborious. The goofy tone comes back a lot (which was much needed) and the open zones are beautifully done. All the minigames are well done and the cinematic events are jaw dropping. Cloud gets a huge mental update and his ‘episodes’ are done WAYYY better than what was originally presented. If I have any gripes, it’s having to walk .1 mph at some points, or being forced to play queens blood, but on the other side of that coin, queens blood is such a good game (might like it more than triple triad) and the slow points emphasize the severity of what’s happening. These 1 star reviews are just from people who want a 1:1 remaster of the original but this game is a reMAKE. Like a reimagining from the original creators. It’s their vision of the story THEY created and I say that they nailed it