It was a well produced show. they addressed numerous social issues. in my personal life growing up my best friend in high school was blind. I was his eyes. we had all kinds of fun jacking with people. we would walk through the school halls and I would tell him every thing I saw. Sometimes someone had been a jerk to Danny when I wasn't around and If I saw them He would have me guide him so he could knock them down. I too grew in a blue color neighborhood. The rich kids were across I-10 in Memorial. We had many of the same feelings and emotions depicted in the show. The problem in today's America is actually not that complicated. We are no longer a nation of polite people. We don't have manners. Men aren't gentlemen and threat ladies with respect and Ladies aren't Ladies and don"t know even know how to expect to be treated. people are not kind, polite, and courteous to each other any more. Most they don't respect each others space. Your show really brought it all to light. I liked the acting and drama, I watched the entire series in less than a week. great job.